Global Agenda

Boycott Israel

Previously Deplatformed Article: Mazin Qumsiyeh: Boycott Israel

New Editor’s note: This article was previously removed as Prof. Mazin Qumsiyeh was deplatformed from the Global Agenda Magazine. After complaints from some who do not believe in free speech, Klaus Schwab Founder and Executive Chairman of the WEF interrupted the meetings to issue a public apology for publication of the article and telling delegates…

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Peter Daszak

Peter Daszak, Researcher Tied to W★★★n L★b Thanked Fauci for Dismissing L★★★k T★★★y

Peter Daszak, previously funding to the W***n Institute of Virology, now thanks Dr. Anthony Fauci for pushing back on the lab leak theory, in an April 2020 email. Daszak funneled $3.4 million in grants from the National Institutes of Health to the WIV to study bat c******s 2014-2019. I just wanted to say a personal…

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Yang Fujia and Colin Campbell: China’s not so peaceful peaceful rise

China’s meteoric rise has alarmed some observers, say Yang Fujia and Colin Campbell. Joint education projects will help ensure that it is peaceful The rise of China is a reality. The Chinese economy has grown at an astonishing 9% (obviously fake news, regarning so or so a year since the late 1970s. In 2004,…

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