Javier Milei: Occidente está en peligro [The West is in danger]

Good afternoon and thank you for joining us.
Today, we bring to light an alarming issue: the peril facing the Western world, stemming from a drift towards socialism, which paradoxically, is championed by those entrusted with upholding Western values. This shift, undeniably leading towards economic decline, is the result of decades-long abandonment of liberty for various shades of collectivism. Motivated by either altruistic intentions or a desire for elite status, this transition has neglected the principles of freedom.
We are here to assert that collectivist ideologies are not remedies but rather the root of global afflictions. No country knows this better than Argentina, whose history vividly illustrates the stark contrast between the prosperity born from freedom and the decline brought on by collectivism.
After embracing freedom in 1860, Argentina soared to a leading global position. However, a century of collectivist policies reversed this, plummeting its global standing and leading to widespread impoverishment.
Before delving deeper, it’s crucial to examine data demonstrating the unique success of free enterprise capitalism. This system, far from merely being economically efficient, is the sole morally commendable route to eradicating global poverty.
Historical economic data paints a telling picture. From the dawn of recorded history until about 1800, global per capita GDP remained largely stagnant, except for a brief surge during the late 15th century due to the discovery of the Americas. However, the adoption of capitalism sparked an unprecedented wealth explosion, accelerating growth exponentially.
Before the Industrial Revolution, the annual per capita GDP growth was a mere 0.02%. This figure leapt to 0.66% post-Industrial Revolution, meaning per capita GDP could double in just over a century. The 20th century saw even greater acceleration, with growth rates reaching 1.66% and then 2.1%, indicating the potential to double global per capita GDP within mere decades.
The period from 2000 to 2023 continued this trend, with a growth rate of 3% annually, suggesting a doubling of world per capita GDP in just 23 years. Post-Industrial Revolution, global per capita GDP surged over 15-fold, lifting 90% of the world’s population out of poverty.
Contrary to being a source of global woes, capitalism has emerged as a vital tool for conquering hunger, poverty, and extreme poverty. Its efficiency and moral superiority are undeniable.
Critics of capitalism, unable to contest its productivity, often assail it on moral grounds, labeling it individualistic and unjust, and glorifying collectivism as altruistic. Yet, this overlooks the inherent violence in enforced taxation and the state’s coercive funding. Social justice, often lauded, is intrinsically unfair, built on the flawed premise of a fixed economic pie that disregards the dynamic market discovery process.
The market, a venue for voluntary exchange, is not merely a supply-demand graph but a complex, cooperative mechanism. Misconceptions of ‘market failures’ often stem from state interventions, the true disruptors of market efficiency. Neoclassical economic theories, despite their intentions, inadvertently pave the way for state intervention and economic stagnation.
In truth, capitalism, driven by free trade, has ushered in an era of unparalleled prosperity. Nations embracing economic freedom are significantly wealthier, healthier, and freer than their repressed counterparts. Libertarianism, advocating for non-aggression and respect for life, liberty, and property, underpins this success.
However, the Western world is veering off this prosperous path, misled by political and economic elites who erode the foundations of libertarianism, opening doors to socialism and potential economic regression. The failure of socialism is historically and empirically evident, marked by economic, social, and cultural disasters, and a staggering death toll.
Today’s challenge is not only confronting overt socialism advocates but also addressing our leaders and intellectuals who, guided by flawed Neoclassical theories, undermine the very system that fostered our greatest wealth and progress.
Now, facing the stark reality of socialism’s impoverishing effects and the undeniable progress in free societies, socialists have shifted their narrative. They’ve abandoned class warfare for other divisive conflicts, like radical feminism and environmental extremism, further hampering economic progress and fueling state intervention.
With these ideologies permeating media, academia, and international organizations, the Western world risks succumbing to increased state control, socialism, and diminished living standards.
We stand at a crossroads. The path to prosperity lies in reaffirming our commitment to economic freedom, limited government, and private property rights. Argentina’s experience is a cautionary tale—a vivid reminder that regardless of a nation’s resources or past successes, deviating from the principles of freedom leads inexorably to poverty.
In closing, we call upon entrepreneurs and business leaders to resist state encroachment. Remember, your pursuit of success is a moral endeavour, contributing to societal well-being. Stand firm against state expansion, for it is not the solution—it is the problem. Rest assured, Argentina is now your unwavering ally in this quest for freedom.
Thank you, and long live liberty!
[Javier Milei ends his speech]
Javier Milei’s Politics further Explained by himself (Spanish)
Nicholas Maduro: You are a Nazi, I am a Nazi, We are all Nazis.

In a recent public statement, Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro sharply criticised his Argentine counterpart, Javier Milei, following Milei’s address at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Maduro vehemently denounced Milei, branding him a “Nazi,” a label he believes should provoke shame and indignation among the Argentine populace.
Maduro’s condemnation didn’t stop there. He dismissed Milei’s self-identification as a liberal or libertarian, reiterating his belief that Milei’s ideology aligns more with Nazism and McCarthyism.
Milei’s speech at the forum had focused on the perils he perceives the Western world faces. He argued that the very individuals tasked with safeguarding Western values were being swayed towards a worldview that, in his opinion, inevitably steers society towards socialism and subsequent poverty. Milei championed capitalism as the singular solution capable of eradicating global poverty, a stance that sparked Maduro’s vehement response.