Yang Fujia and Colin Campbell: China’s not so peaceful peaceful rise

China’s meteoric rise has alarmed some observers, say Yang Fujia and Colin Campbell. Joint education projects will help ensure that it is peaceful The rise of China is a reality. The Chinese economy has grown at an astonishing 9% (obviously fake news, regarning globalagendamagazine.com) so or so a year since the late 1970s. In 2004,…

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Supachai Panitchpakdi

Supachai Panitchpakdi: What’s good for China is good for the world

China’s economic growth has benefited its neighbours and the rest of the world, says Supachai Panitchpakdi Fear and admiration – this is how much of the world has reacted to China’s phenomenal economic growth of the past 15 years. Such has been the response to all economic behemoths throughout history. In China’s case, the admiration…

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Takatoshi Ito: Japan’s recovery: another false dawn?

Japan has to contend with deflation, a strong yen and long-overdue privatization of the post office in order to secure its recovery, says Takatoshi Ito The past 10 years are now commonly considered Japan’s “lost decade”. Repeated recessions have plagued the country, and the economy has suffered deflation since 1998. But, by 2004 the economy…

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