CV Maurice LĂ©vy: Unravelling the French paradox

Despite often absurd economic policies, France has produced corporate powerhouses, says Maurice LĂ©vy. Imagine what it could do with sensible ones Paradox – a statement or tenet contrary to received opinion or expectation; sometimes with favourable, sometimes with unfavourable connotation; from L. paradoxum, Oxford English Dictionary France is a paradox. This was well illustrated in…

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Jacques Vergès: Legalized chaos

Jacques Vergès argues that the International Criminal Court is unconstitutional, applies statutes retrospectively and has unfair procedures. In short, it discredits justice itself Before asking whether some heads of state are deliberately violating international law, it would be useful to ask ourselves about the legality and, even more, the legitimacy of the institutions that are…

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Adair Turner: Ageing gracefully: the population balancing act

Achieving population stability – higher growth in some countries, lower in others – is a more important global challenge than longer lives or the mechanics of pension system reform, says Adair Turner The “problem” of an ageing population is now discussed not just in rich countries but across the world. But increasing life expectancy is…

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