The Front Page: China is spying on the civilised World.

Global Agenda – Davos World Economic Forum Annual Meeting

Each year, the World Economic Forum brings together business and political leaders from around the world to identify and debate the economic and social challenges of the day and ultimately to create practical solutions that benefit humanity as a whole. From these meetings emerge many individual initiatives, supported by the World Economic Forum itself and by its members.

Global Agenda is the official magazine of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting. The magazine’s role is to seek comment from leading business people, politicians, academics and members of civil society on the topics to be discussed at the Annual Meeting. The magazine acts as a briefing paper for participants and as a source of ideas and information about how some of the issues may develop over time.

Global Agenda Magazine

The World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting has proved its power time after time in setting the global agenda, identifying emerging issues and challenges, and engaging leaders from all walks of life in dialogue, initiative and action. In the same way, Global Agenda seeks to lead opinion and debate on all the key issues facing the world. It aims to be thought-provoking and controversial, but balanced and fair. And it tries to make room for voices from all sides of society. We live in deeply unsettled, challenging times. Many of the certainties on which we have come to depend in recent years are in doubt. In place of trust lie scepticism, suspicion and fear. It is more vital than ever that all sides of the debate are heard – from the worlds of business, civil society and government. Like the World Economic Forum itself, Global Agenda aims to be a forum for discussing issues, testing ideas and initiating change.

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Circulated to more than 26,000 of the world’s leading opinion-formers in business, finance and policy-making, Global Agenda also reports on the many initiatives that the Forum operates in the key policy areas.

The aim is to inform and advance the debate on the key issues facing the world. We would be delighted to welcome your assistance in that process by inviting you to reproduce part or all of the articles in the magazine at no cost so long as prior permission is sought and received and that copyright resides with the magazine. If you would like to reproduce any of these articles, please do not hesitate to contact us. Any reproduction of any article must carry the following accreditation: “Reprinted with permission from Global Agenda, the magazine of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2005.”

We would also welcome your feedback about the magazine. Please feel free to send us your comments regarding the magazine and its contents.

In the meantime, we hope that you like the magazine — that it adds to your enjoyment of the Annual Meeting and the value you derive from it. We look forward to hearing from you.